

Thank you for visiting the Norton Lake tenants section of the Pathway website. Here you will find information on what to expect living at a Pathway property. Pathway has a comprehensive set of policies, which govern how our buildings are managed. More detailed information can be found in your Tenant Handbook (click here to download your Tenant Handbook). If you would like to have information on a particular policy, please contact the office.

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On-Line Internet Rent/Charges Payment

In order to simplify rent/charges payment procedures for those residents who are not currently enrolled in the PAP (pre-authorized rent payment plan)
PHSS has added an option for On-Line Payment.

This method can be used with most of the major financial institutions.

Instructions for use on-line payments

This payment option is working the same way as when you are paying for your other bills on-line (telephone, credit cards, etc.).

  • When choosing to make a payment on-line select the name Pathway Housing Services. Most of the financial institution will accept your payment for Pathway.
  • To identify yourselfer use the following code:
  • Start with the Letter – (to identify the building name) 0205 (for your unit number) S (for the first letter of the family name).

Sample 1:  Norton Lake, Unit 205– Smith – N0205S

Sample 2:  Norton Lake, Unit 1505 – Doe – N1505D

Should you have any questions regarding the use of the new website and on-line payment please send your enquiry to: nortonlake@pathwayhousing.ca

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